Keep the home fires burning

Burning wood to produce heat is a practice that has gone on for centuries - biomass boilers are simply a more sophisticated and efficient continuation of this tradition

Fired with enthusiasm

Using logs, chips or pellets, our systems can run your central heating system, heat your hot water and even power large-scale commercial premises. They are almost as efficient as a gas boiler, they can be as convenient as an oil boiler and the fuel they burn is considered carbon neutral because every tree takes in as much carbon dioxide whilst it is grows as it releases when it burns. And because many forests are run on the principal that more trees are planted than is cut down, it truly is a renewable fuel source we can depend upon.

Not only does biomass produce huge carbon savings over more conventional sources of energy, it can also cost less too. What’s more oil, coal and gas are finite resources which means the cost will invariably rise as the available quantities reduce. The price of wood should remain more stable since it is a renewable resource.

Cost of energy

Electricity – 39.21p p/kWh                 Pellets – 14.49p p/kWh
LPG – 9.04 p/kWh                                    Chips – 3.0 p/kWh
Gas oil – 12.71p p/kWh                         Seasoned wood – 11.21p p/kWh
Gas – 12.81 p/kWh

*Prices based on Jan 2023 data from


Here’s something to get your interest

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme is cash incentive to make householders migrate away from fossil fuels. Whether you have an ageing gas boiler that needs replacing or are about to start a whole-house refurbishment project, now could be a great time to take advantage of this £5,000 grant.

What size project are you interested in?

Come home to a real fire

From the simplest stove which you light with a match to the automated boiler you control with your smart phone, biomass boilers have come a long way. MCS approval means that accredited boilers in the UK are inspected, tested and carefully scrutinised so you can be sure there aren’t any dodgy devices likely to quit the first time you fire them up.
